There should be a very clear link between the methods you describe in this section and the objectives you have previously defined. Be explicit in your writing and state exactly how the methods you have chosen will fulfill your project's objectives and help deal with the needs/problems on which your proposal is focused.
The prospective funding agency will be looking at your methods to see what it is that you are proposing that will be new, unique or innovative. Make sure you clearly present the innovative aspects of your idea.
Are the specific methods you are proposing for your project very important to your unique clientele? Make sure you clarify this for the funding organization.
Do not forget to include the collaborative relationships your project will be developing with other cooperating groups. A good way to show collaboration is in the methods that you will be using. How will the methods for your project encourage groups to join together in dealing with the issues/concerns your project addresses?
Your Methods section should clearly indicate how the methods that will be used will allow the outcomes of your project to have value for others beyond your project. (This can also tie into your Dissemination Plan - see the Appendices section for more hints on dissemination.)