Try and differentiate between your goals and your objectives - and include both.
Goals are the large statements of what you hope to accomplish but usually aren't very measurable. They create the setting for what you are proposing.
Objectives are operational, tell specific things you will be accomplishing in your project, and are very measurable.
Your objectives will form the basis for the activites of your project and will also serve as the basis for the evaluation of your project.
Try to insure that there is considerable overlap between the goals and objectives for your proposal and the goals and objectives of the funding organization. If there is not a strong overlap of goals and objectives then it might be best to identify a different funding organization.
Present measurable objectives for your project. If you are dealing with "things" it is easier for them to be measured than if you are dealing with abstract ideas. Your proposal is easier for a prospective funding organization to understand (and the outcomes are much more clear) if you describe your objectives in measurable ways.