Goals and
There are two major goals for the "Healthy Moms for Healthy Kids" Project and specific objectives within each of the goals.
Goal #1 - To reduce the degree of malnutrition among young children.
Objective #1.1 - To provide mothers in Kota Emessu with relevant information regarding health and nutrition
Objective #1.2 - To assist mothers in Kota Emessu in learning how to effectively apply health and nutrition information in helping their young children to be more healthy.
Objective #1.3 - To teach mothers in Kota Emessu how to evaluate changes in the health of their young children.
Goal #2 - To effectively use volunteers as a major factor in helping people to learn.
Objective #2.1 - To recruit a group of undergraduate students (15-20 students each semester) at Universitas Pembangunan Pertanian to become volunteers in the "Pusat Ibu dan Anak Sihat" (PIAS) Project.
Objective #2.2 - To provide a 4 week training program for the volunteers that covers a) basic nutritional information for mothers and b) information on adult teaching methods.
Objective #2.3 - To place the students in the PIAS Center to offer tutoring services to local mothers.
Objective #2.4 - To compare the type and degree of volunteer learning that takes place in the PIAS Project as compared to volunteer involvement with SERMAH.