A step-by-step tutorial that provides both instructions on how to write a funding proposal and actual examples of completed proposals. Created to help empower people to be successful in gaining funds for projects that provide worthwhile social service. Concerned for the development of meaningful cooperative relationships - with funding agencies, with community organizations, and with the people you are serving - as a basis for the development of strong fundable initiatives. (Available online or as a free downloadable e-book.)
A guide to the effective development and delivery of distance education programs. Includes chapters focusing on the understanding of the basic principles of distance education, clarifying who distance education learners are, and examples of learner-focused distance education programs. An essential reference for those about to create distance education programs, those who currently conduct distance education programs, and - most importantly - learners who are considering the challenge of learning at a distance. (October 2005, 253 pages, 8.5 x 11 inches, available for purchase in soft cover) COMING SOON All chapters will be downloadable for free!
A set of workshop handouts to help in the understanding of how to teach technical information to adult learners. Especially helpful for Extension educators, business/industry trainers, workshop leaders and others who are faced with helping adults learn. (Available for free downloading as .pdf files)
Successfully Operating a Portable Amateur Radio Station: Reactions of NPOTA Activators A report examining "best practices" of operating a portable amateur radio station. Data were collected from a group of key Activators in the 2016 National Parks on the Air amateur radio activity. Conclusions are presented regarding antennas, transceivers, power sources and planning/logistics.
A comprehensive and practical Guide to assist students in the crafting, implementing and defending of a graduate school thesis or dissertation. Provides suggestions on how to successfully navigate the path to completion. Available in English, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazilian), and Arabic. (Available online, as a free downloadable e-book, or for purchase as a soft cover book.)
Connect with Facebook - see below
Dissertation/Thesis Guide on Facebook A special Facebook page devoted entirely to discussing and sharing ideas about the writing and presenting of a thesis or dissertation. Over 8,000 "friends" meet to focus on the many challenges of completing their thesis or dissertation. Share your own thoughts or reflect on the questions brought up by others. Need a break from your writing? A nice way to step out of the isolation that often accompanies the intensity of preparing a thesis or dissertation.
A wonderful collection of 46 reflective essays by Joe Levine that examine the role of the teacher. A must read for adult educators presented in an unparalleled, refreshing format. Provides extremely helpful, even if personal, insights into the heart and soul of adult education — the personal commitment and involvement of those who have dedicated themselves to the wonderful, joyous, rewarding, yet sometimes exasperating, task of helping adults learn, grow, and develop. Available in both print and electronic format. (March 2005, 176 pages, 6 x 9 inches, available for purchase in soft cover)